Why Every Homeowner Should Schedule Regular Electrical Inspections

Why Every Homeowner Should Schedule Regular Electrical Inspections

When it comes to your home’s electrical system, it’s important to schedule regular inspections. This will save you money and help keep you safe from serious electrical issues.

During an electrical inspection, the inspector will check all areas of your home’s wiring. They will also check the circuit breakers and electrical boxes.

Old Wiring

One of the biggest reasons every homeowner should schedule regular electrical inspections is to keep their homes safe from electric fires. This is particularly true for older homes that may have outdated wiring.

Fortunately, today’s electrical wires are much safer than the ones used in older homes. Instead of the knob and tube and aluminum wiring methods that were popular in older houses, most newer electrical systems use copper wires.

Older homes can also have trouble running modern appliances and devices, which often require more electricity than they were originally wired to provide.

This can lead to a number of problems. For example, if you have a fuse box that’s been wired with a fuse that has too much amperage for the circuit, it can overheat and damage the insulation surrounding the wires. This can cause arcing, melting insulation, and even fires.


Electricity is a crucial part of every home. Without it, many of the things that we take for granted like heating and air conditioning would be out of commission.

Faulty wiring can cause appliances and electronics to malfunction. By having yearly electrical inspections, you can avoid costly repairs down the line.

An electrical technician will check to see that you have GFCI outlets and circuit breakers throughout the house, in outdoor locations, and near sources of water such as sinks. In addition, they will ensure that you have surge protectors for delicate equipment and receptacles.

They will also make sure that you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the correct places. These detectors should not exceed ten years of age, and the technician may recommend replacing them if they’re outdated. Keeping them in good working order is one of the best ways to keep your family safe. With the right maintenance, your home’s electrical system can provide you with the peace of mind and convenience that you deserve.

Power Surges

Power surges occur when an interruption in the flow of electricity causes a spike in voltage. They can range from five or ten volts when you switch on your hair dryer to thousands of volts if lightning strikes a transformer.

During an electrical inspection, your inspector will check for power surges. They’ll also make sure you have enough receptacles in your home to handle surges and that your wiring is properly insulated.

Most of your home’s appliances and electronics are susceptible to power surges because they all use microprocessors, tiny digital components that can experience voltage fluctuations as high as 10 volts. A surge may not disable an appliance or device instantly, but it can cause unseen damage over time.

Most power surges originate outside of your home and are caused by a tree limb touching a power line, lightning striking utility equipment or small animals (like squirrels) making their way into a nearby transformer. This is why it’s so important to have your trees trimmed on a regular basis.

Electricity Leaks

Why Every Homeowner Should Schedule Regular Electrical Inspections. Having your electrical system inspected on a regular basis can help you avoid big problems in the future. A licensed electrician can look at your wiring, outlets, service panel and meter to make sure everything is safe and functioning properly.

A professional electrician can also make recommendations on how to upgrade your electrical system to be more efficient. This will save you money on your electricity bills, and help to keep your system running smoothly.

You should be aware that most modern appliances and electronics are designed to draw electricity even when they’re not in use. This is called “leaking electricity” and it is estimated that about 25% of our energy usage comes from standby consumption.

This leakage can be dangerous and can also affect the performance of your most-used electronics. Fortunately, there are safety switches that will detect current leakage and turn off the power when it’s detected.

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